Friday, 20 May 2016

Rewards of Montessori Education as Shown by Research

Know About Montessori Method of Education

It has been proven scientifically that a schooling methodology focusing on individual development instead of evaluation by examinations is capable of producing better, wise, ingenious, and socially skilled children. Scientists and psychologists are unanimous that considering a range of capabilities, children taking Montessori education surpassed those who take up conventional education.

Pupils aged 5, educated with Montessori Method, were better at math and reading, while those aged 12 were significantly supreme in writing creative essays and they used intricate ways to form sentences. The major differences have been identified in behavior and social skills. Children under the Montessori stream related to others with positive emotions, exhibited a sense of fairness and justice, and tended to be less involved in rough behavior during break periods.

Invented more than a century ago by the first female Physician of Italy, Dr. Maria Montessori, this schooling system aimed primarily at educating Italy’s poor children. Today, there are innumerable Montessori schools across the world, carrying on her legacy, offering unlimited advantages to children in their budding years.

How Montessori Education System Differs from Traditional Systems
  • Montessori Method discourages conventional competitive assessment of accomplishment, such as tests and grades, and rather prioritizes personal development and progress of every child.
  • Children belonging to various age groups share same classes; they need to interact and help one another.
  • Emphasizing practical skills of life, children are provided with educational materials that keep them engaged and interested
  • Education is imparted first through senses, then through reading and writing – hands-on experience is encouraged in learning things
  • Natural maturity of a child’s personality is assisted in a nurturing environment
How Montessori Method Works

Being chosen and treated in a uniform manner, each Montessori child is given equal opportunity to learn things on its own pace with no pressure or compulsion. The practical life-oriented course curriculum is offered to pupils in the most natural way within a nourishing atmosphere.

For the purpose of research, children in an age range of three to twelve at a Montessori school were selected. Children were assessed for behavioral and social skills, academic capabilities, and emotional intelligence. Their performance was compared with children belonging to other schools of traditional system located in the same region. The study has revealed that Montessori School children had considerable advantages over their peers in the said assessments for both the selected age groups.

Children educated under Montessori Method are good at solving complex problems and are better adaptive to changes, showing that they are sure to succeed in future in school as well as life. They reflected positive responses when faced with difficult social situations. They handled unpleasant circumstances smoothly. They have demonstrated greater propensity toward community and social welfare.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Montessori Education for Simpler Learning Process

Education is an integral part in a person’s life. Education is the sculptor that shapes a person into a better human and a good citizen. Education oriented with books is the current system followed in our state. This type of education may not prove good for improving the practical knowledge of a child. Montessori education is one kind where the main focus is on improving confidence, life skills, language fluency, courage and boldness of the children. It is an evident fact that many people have acknowledged the importance of this education system. This provides the right path for a child to improve in all aspects, helping one realize his/her talents. This education is highly welcome among the people in the recent years as many schools providing Montessori education have been established. It is highly evident that the children educated in this system turn out as an independent, responsible and self-confident human.

Montessori education strongly believes that every child deserves a safe, warm and caring environment to grow and develop. Many features are provided for the enhancement of the children. The main philosophy followed is cooperation and mutual respect. A special environment is provided to the students providing a homely environment. A practical mode of education is provided through working models, which enhances their intelligence. Many Play schools near Sholinganallur have emerged in the recent years providing quality education to the children. Sharanalaya is one among them which offers Montessori programs for children between 2.5-6 years of age.  Excellent teachers in this school take at most care in development and learning of the children. Physical exercises are also followed in the school along with education to prepare children for a better world. Freedom to the choices of learning is given to the children. The main advantage is that the faculties teach and interact in such a way that the students enjoy the learning process. Interaction with the students helps the teachers to understand the student’s talents and ability and motivate them. This could boost their self-confidence. Parents must seek the right guidelines for choosing the right school. Information on the programs, admission and fee structures are also available online to get ideas easily.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016


“When dealing with children there is greater need for observing than of probing”

“It is true that we cannot make a genius. We can only give a child the chance to fulfill his potential possibilities.”

“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.”

–  Maria Montessori

Montessori schools, this term flashes quite often in the parents of primary age, these schools are utterly different from the schools most of us attended when we are young.

Though there are many schools of different streams, many parents prefer Montessori in a current scenario is that Montessori children educate themselves in the prepared environments.

Montessori schools have a deep respect for children as unique individuals and help them in developing their social and emotional capabilities. These schools consciously shape children to be kind and peaceful. Montessori Kids learn not to be afraid of making mistakes and they strive for their personal best rather than compete against one another.

A young child’s development is a moving target. One minute your child is taking her first steps and saying her first words; and the next she is on her way to kindergarten. So much development occurs in just a few years. The brain architecture is formed; child develops a unique personality, and is ready to start taking his place in the world. To prepare a child to live successfully in this world, we have to focus on the children and observe their needs.

“A CHILD in a Montessori school is brought up in a manner like, Collaboration rather than competition with a Holisitic development and Individuality in Learning by Doing (than mere studying)”.

Montessori schools comprises of environments, rather than classrooms, wherein the child is free to explore through the practical life materials and they begin to develop their life skills of how to care for themselves, they develop their senses through sensorial materials, and hence they build up their concentration. They begin taking challenges within themselves and learn to treat each other with love and care.

Montessori children develops a lifelong love for learning as they have the capacity of learning things by analyzing, they develop an internalized discipline and is always self-motivated. As they are in mixed age groups within the environment they are able to form answers and analyze situations on their own rather than relying on someone else, i.e., teachers.

Montessori students may not memorize as many facts, but they tend to become self-confident, independent thinkers who can learn because they are interested in the world and enthusiastic about life.

Improving skills of children with different approaches

The need for Montessori education
Educational experts today stress the need for educating children with unique concepts which helps a child to nourish his/ her skills. Montessori system is completely a different one from other education pattern that creates opportunities for children to become a better citizen in the future. It aims in developing the capabilities in a natural environment with various types of working materials rather than reading and writing. This system opens the doors for children to analyze their own potentials in proper methods. Moreover, it provides several benefits for achieving goals in life. Sharanalaya school serves as a house of children Montessori Chennai by fulfilling the needs of both parents and children. In fact, it plays a key role in enhancing learning skills of children with varied approaches to experience desired outcomes. All types of modern amenities are available in this school which shows ways for preparing children for a challenging world. Another advantage is that it helps for knowing the ethics and many other things of life by meeting exact requirements.

Ensuring best prospects
Montessori education is a suitable one for developing intellectual, physical, social, emotional and other abilities of a child in effective methods. It involves learning lessons with freedom of choices to get optimum results. New comers will be allowed to work with old students to acquire more knowledge and wisdom. Sharanalaya, the house of children Montessori Chennai makes feasible ways for instilling confidence levels on children while carrying out their tasks in a classroom. Experienced teachers will guide children to motivate themselves to complete the works in faster methods. They also provide methods for improving decision making skills and self esteem levels to a larger extent. The school offers programs at different levels and one can gather information about them through online in an easy manner. Individual attention is given on each child to witness major changes in life. Children can be able to adjust the changing environment with Montessori education pattern system. Guidelines for seeking admission into programs can also be gathered from the school to ensure a bright career for a child.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Montessori Education for Simpler Learning Process

Education is an integral part in a person’s life. Education is the sculptor that shapes a person into a better human and a good citizen. Education oriented with books is the current system followed in our state. This type of education may not prove good for improving the practical knowledge of a child. Montessori education is one kind where the main focus is on improving confidence, life skills, language fluency, courage and boldness of the children. It is an evident fact that many people have acknowledged the importance of this education system. This provides the right path for a child to improve in all aspects, helping one realize his/her talents. This education is highly welcome among the people in the recent years as many schools providing Montessori education have been established. It is highly evident that the children educated in this system turn out as an independent, responsible and self-confident human.

Montessori education strongly believes that every child deserves a safe, warm and caring environment to grow and develop. Many features are provided for the enhancement of the children. The main philosophy followed is cooperation and mutual respect. A special environment is provided to the students providing a homely environment. A practical mode of education is provided through working models, which enhances their intelligence. Many Play schools near Sholinganallur have emerged in the recent years providing quality education to the children. Sharanalaya is one among them which offers Montessori programs for children between 2.5-6 years of age.  Excellent teachers in this school take at most care in development and learning of the children. Physical exercises are also followed in the school along with education to prepare children for a better world. Freedom to the choices of learning is given to the children. The main advantage is that the faculties teach and interact in such a way that the students enjoy the learning process. Interaction with the students helps the teachers to understand the student’s talents and ability and motivate them. This could boost their self-confidence. Parents must seek the right guidelines for choosing the right school. Information on the programs, admission and fee structures are also available online to get ideas easily.

Montessori Syllabus By Sharanalaya Montessori School

Evaluating the skills

Most parents will be interested in providing best education to their children. There are different types of school syllabuses which are followed in India. They only focus on developing the reading and writing skills of students. Children have got their natural abilities to improve their learning techniques and one must shape them in a proper manner. Montessori system of education is now attracting a large number of people all over the world due to several features. It helps for evaluating the potentials of a child to make right decisions in his/her life. This method involves unique approaches to motivate children with several number of playing materials. The primary objective of Montessori is to encourage them to work on their own talents by observing others. Sharanalaya school follows Montessori syllabus Chennai which help to shape the capabilities of children by addressing exact needs. Moreover, it shows ways for developing the intellectual, physical, emotional and social qualities to become a responsible citizen in the future. The school offers primary and secondary programs for kids to ensure more benefits.
Improving the talents

Sharanalaya Montessori school plays a key role in fulfilling the needs of parents who want to nourish the talents of their children. Complete information about programs can be known from online for choosing a right one depending on the needs. It enhances learning process a simpler one with different concepts to obtain optimum results. A child will be exposed to know many things about life beside education which includes self esteem, respecting others, social responsibility, tolerance, working with group, etc. The Montessori syllabus Chennai is a suitable for children to increase their confidence levels and other skills to a larger extent. Experienced teachers will guide a child to motivate him/ her when performing important tasks. It creates opportunities to prepare for a challenging world to manage difficult situations in life. With Montessori education, it is possible for a child to learn lessons quickly by observing others. Sharanalaya gives ways for working independently to shape the skills in an effective manner. It also offers programs at different levels to witness major changes in life.

Montessori Method of Education

Montessori Method of education is designed by Dr. Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952) using her philosophy of education based upon actual observations of children. The journey of learning in a child begins with concrete materials that lead to abstract understanding, where the child develops the flow of ideas and imagination by exploring the things independently. This system supports individual child’s development needs and growth. The child develops intelligence through physical and psychological abilities. It fulfills the children’s desire to learn all the practical skills, sensorial, mathematics, language and cultural knowledge.

A quality Montessori classroom with prepared environment and the role of the teacher distinguishes Montessori Method from other educational approaches. The Montessori Method of education is very popular around the world. In this method of education individual child achieves all pleasures and most of their stimuli are derived from the five senses: what they see, hear, touch, smell and taste. They develop their capabilities by discovering the Montessori materials by using their five senses to achieve the greater potential of enjoying life.

Montessori philosophy fosters the development of child’s highest potential in spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth. Following basic principles makes it exclusive different from other method of teachings.

1. Respect for the Child Respect for the child is the foundation stone on which all other Montessori principles rest. Teachers show respect for children while helping them to do things to achieve their goals. They develop positive self esteem by effective learning process. Whereas in traditional schools children are forced to learn without their interest to complete the required curriculum task.

2. The Absorbent Mind Dr. Montessori described the child’s mind between the time of birth and six years of age as the “absorbent mind”. Children are born to learn and they have remarkable learning ability as they are thinking beings. Learning totally depends upon the teachers, experiences and environments.

3. Sensitive Periods Montessori believed every child undergoes the sensitive periods where they learn specific skills. The sequence of process and timing varies for each child. Montessori teacher uses their observation to detect the times of sensitivity and provides an environment to satisfy their needs.

4. Well Prepared Environment Montessori believed that children learn best in a prepared environment. Children are given freedom to explore materials of their own choice in an orderly format which further enables them to be independent and active learner.

5. Self -education Montessori named the concept that children are capable of educating themselves. Well prepared classroom environment along with freedom of choice educates the children themselves to satisfy and achieve their goals.

6. The Teacher’s Role The role of a Montessori teacher plays a unique role as an observer, facilitator and guide. Their ultimate goal is to prepare and organize the learning environment to meet the needs and interests of the children to promote independence, self – confidence and discipline.

The children learn from their own discoveries and derive their own conclusions. Montessori teachers play a dynamic role between the children and the prepared environment.

1. They make children the center of learning
2. They encourage children to learn
3. They observe children
4.They prepare the learning environment
5.They respect each child
6.They introduce learning materials